City of Hamilton wins Technical Achievement Awards for Vision Zero Action Plan and Keddy Access Trail

This article, from May 27, contains details on the City of Hamilton being recognized with two awards by the Transportation Association of Canada

Hello Ward 8 Neighbours,

Each year, the Transportation Association of Canada (TAC) recognizes exceptional contributions made by its member organizations across Canada through its Technical Achievement Awards – with the City receiving two awards including those for Road Safety Engineering and Sustainable Mobility.

For more details, please continue reading below…

Continue reading “City of Hamilton wins Technical Achievement Awards for Vision Zero Action Plan and Keddy Access Trail”

Notice of application of larvicides to City of Hamilton for West Nile Virus control

This article, from May 26, has details on the City’s ongoing monitoring of mosquito larvae and possible control measures to help prevent the spread of West Nile Virus.

Hello Ward 8 Neighbours,

The City’s Public Health Services is monitoring mosquito larvae (immature mosquitoes) in standing surface water on City land within the municipality’s boundaries, if if control measures dictate, will apply larvicide in order to prevent the development of the West Nile Virus.

For more details, please continue reading below…

Continue reading “Notice of application of larvicides to City of Hamilton for West Nile Virus control”

2021 Arts Awards virtual presentations taking place in June

This article from May 26 has details on Hamilton Arts Week and the 2021 Awards Program.

Hello Ward 8 Neighbours,

As part of Hamilton Arts Week and its 2021 Arts Awards program, the City of Hamilton will be announcing and profiling the award recipients this year in a series of online podcast-style episodes, running from June 3 to June 12, 2021.

For more details, please continue reading below…

Continue reading “2021 Arts Awards virtual presentations taking place in June”

Mohawk College Terminal to be closed for one week

This article, from May 25, has information on upcoming HSR detours affected lines 20, 21, 33, and 35.

Hello Ward 8 Neighbours,

The HSR is informing transit riders who utilize the Mohawk College Terminal while on their trip may experience slight delays due to detours starting May 31. The lines affected are routes 20, 21, 33, and 35.

For more details, please continue reading below…

Continue reading “Mohawk College Terminal to be closed for one week”

City looking into home energy retrofit program

This article, from May 24, has details on a potential energy retrofit program for the City of Hamilton and its potential cost savings to homeowners while benefiting the climate.

Hello Ward 8 Neighbours,

The City will be looking at  home energy retrofit program, as long as it receives funding to cover most of the costs. 

For more details, please continue reading below…

Continue reading “City looking into home energy retrofit program”

Reminder: Caledon Community Collaborative to host virtual community consultation session May 27

This article, from May 11, has details on the next virtual community consultation regarding the future of 60 Caledon Ave, taking place May 27 @ 7PM.

Hello Ward 8 Neighbours,

The Caledon Community Collaborative will be hosting a virtual community consultation on the 60 Caledon Ave. development on May 27th at 7PM.

For more details, please continue reading below…

Continue reading “Reminder: Caledon Community Collaborative to host virtual community consultation session May 27”

City splash pads are now open

This article, from May 22, has details on the opening of spray pads in accordance with the province’s recent announcement.

Hello Ward 8 Neighbours,

The province announced late this afternoon that along with outdoor recreational sports and activities, spray/splash pads will be allowed to open, and just in time with the heat wave we are set to experience this week.

For more details, please continue reading below…

Continue reading “City splash pads are now open”

Local COVID vaccination program expands to include youth aged 12+

This article, from May 22, has details on the expansion of the City’s COVID vaccine program; which now includes those aged 12+.

Hello Ward 8 Neighbours,

The City’s healthcare partners have announced that, effective May 23, youth aged 12 and older at time of vaccination are now eligible for their vaccine.

For more details, please continue reading below…

Continue reading “Local COVID vaccination program expands to include youth aged 12+”

Spring cleanup tips from the City

This article, from May 20, has details and tips for those who will be spring cleaning over the next few weeks.

Hello Ward 8 Neighbours,

For those looking to get busy this long weekend – or in a few weeks time – the City has some helpful tips and reminders on what to do with your yard waste, plant pots and trays, and other recyclable/non-recyclable items.

For more details, please continue reading below…

Continue reading “Spring cleanup tips from the City”

Hamilton Remembers

This article, from May 20, has details on the Covid Virtual Memorial, launched by the City this past week to remember those lost during the pandemic.

Hello Ward 8 Neighbours,

Hamilton Remembers, a COVID-19 virtual memorial, will allow families to remember and pay tribute to loved ones lost during the pandemic.

For more details, please continue reading below…

Continue reading “Hamilton Remembers”
Councillor John-Paul Danko