Hamilton administers 1 million COVID-19 vaccines

This post, from December 24, includes a press release from the City as its healthcare partners administer the millionth dose of the COVID-19 vaccine locally.

Hello Ward 8 Neighbours,

The City of Hamilton announced recently that they have administered 1 million doses of the COVID-19 vaccines.

For more details, please continue reading below…

Continue reading “Hamilton administers 1 million COVID-19 vaccines”

City of Hamilton to close additional facilities and redeploy staff to help with COVID-19 vaccine effort

This post, from December 21, has information on numerous municipal closures as City staff are redeployed to help with the COVID-19 vaccine effort.

Hello Ward 8 Neighbours,

The City announced this morning that it will be redirecting staffing resources to aid with vaccination efforts due to the surging number of COVID-19 infections in Hamilton. This closure will affect all museums, recreation and municipal services centres. City Hall will remain open for now.

For more details, please continue reading below…

Continue reading “City of Hamilton to close additional facilities and redeploy staff to help with COVID-19 vaccine effort”

Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine supply limited in Hamilton

This post, from December 21, has information on limited Pfizer vaccine supply in the city.

Hello Ward 8 Neighbours,

The City announced this morning that its supply of the Pfizer COVID vaccine is limited and reserved for residents under the age of 30 seeking a 1st, 2nd or 3rd dose of the vaccine. The City will be offering Moderna instead at its vaccine clinics for those aged 30+.

For more details, please continue reading below…

Continue reading “Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine supply limited in Hamilton”

GTHA Mayors and Chairs urge residents to be cautious as Omicron cases continue to rise

This post, from December 20, contains a release from GTHA mayors urging residents to be cautious this holiday season while calling on more support from higher levels of government.

Hello Ward 8 Neighbours,

Mayor Eisenberger and neighbouring mayors from across the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area are urging residents to remain cautious this Holiday season, while also urging the provincial government to reinstate pandemic pay for frontline workers.

For more details, please continue reading below…

Continue reading “GTHA Mayors and Chairs urge residents to be cautious as Omicron cases continue to rise”

Hamilton Paramedic Service asking Hamiltonians to make the right call

This post, from December 17, contains an important message from Hamilton Paramedic Service on when to dial 9-1-1.

Hello Ward 8 Neighbours,

The Hamilton Paramedic Service is urging residents to call for an ambulance only in an emergency, as the service becomes overwhelmed with non-emergency calls.

For more details, please continue reading below…

Continue reading “Hamilton Paramedic Service asking Hamiltonians to make the right call”

Province asked to remove zoning order from Century Manor lands

This post, from December 14, has details on a recent motion passed by the planning committee asking the province to rescind its zoning order on the lands of the former Century Manor.

Hello Ward 8 Neighbours,

Should Council adopt the motion passed at the most recent planning committee, Hamilton will be asking the province to remove the ministry zoning order on the lands of the former Century Manor.

For more details, please continue reading below….

Continue reading “Province asked to remove zoning order from Century Manor lands”

Holiday fire and safety tips from Hamilton Fire

This post, from December 14, contains information from Hamilton Fire on fire and safety tips for the holidays.

Hello Ward 8 Neighbours,

With many of us looking forward to safely gather and reunite with friends and loved ones, Hamilton Fire is reminding residents about fire safety this holiday season.

For more details, please continue reading below…

Continue reading “Holiday fire and safety tips from Hamilton Fire”

Update: New traffic signal on Upper James to be activated December 15

This post, from December 14, is informing residents that the new traffic light at Brucedale Avenue & Upper James St. will be in operation as of December 15.

Hello Ward 8 Neighbours,

The Ward 8 office was advised this morning that effective December 15, the new signal at Upper James Street and Brucedale Avenue will be activated and the Brantdale Avenue light will be deactivated with Hamilton Police on-site to help with traffic control while crews perform the work.

For more details, and background on the chances, please continue reading below..

Continue reading “Update: New traffic signal on Upper James to be activated December 15”

City resuming yard waste pick-up for next two weeks following weekend storm

This post, from December 13, has information on the City extending leaf and yard waste until December 24 due to the recent windstorm.

Hello Ward 8 Neighbours,

The windstorm that hit Hamilton late last week left a slew of debris across the City. With over hundreds of reports of downed trees around the city, and with leaves (finally) being blown off a number of stubborn trees, the City has decided to extend its yard waste pick-up starting today (December 13).

For more details, please continue reading below…

Continue reading “City resuming yard waste pick-up for next two weeks following weekend storm”

Snow Angels Seeking Volunteers

This article, from December 13, contains information about the Snow Angels volunteering program, and their call for volunteers this season.

Hello Ward 8 Neighbours,

Are you reliable and in good physical health? Do you have some free time on your hands to help your neighbours? Are you 14 years of age or older? The Snow Angels are looking for your help.

For more details, please continue reading below…

Continue reading “Snow Angels Seeking Volunteers”
Councillor John-Paul Danko