City launching Paramedic Master Plan

This post, from May 26, has details on the launching of a Paramedic Master Plan to better serve the community’s needs.

Hello Ward 8 Neighbours,

In a first for the City of Hamilton, a 10-year paramedic master plan will seek to transform the way the Hamilton Paramedic Service serves the community.

For more details, please continue reading below…

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Hamilton Paramedic Service asking Hamiltonians to make the right call

This post, from December 17, contains an important message from Hamilton Paramedic Service on when to dial 9-1-1.

Hello Ward 8 Neighbours,

The Hamilton Paramedic Service is urging residents to call for an ambulance only in an emergency, as the service becomes overwhelmed with non-emergency calls.

For more details, please continue reading below…

Continue reading “Hamilton Paramedic Service asking Hamiltonians to make the right call”
Councillor John-Paul Danko