Province rezones former Hamilton Psychiatric Hospital lands

This article, from August 15, contains background and a joint statement by Councillors Danko & Whitehead over the Provincial re-zoning of the former HPH lands.

Hello Ward 8 Neighbours,

The City of Hamilton was notified that the Ontario government expanded a zoning order for the former Hamilton Psychiatric Hospital Lands allowing residential development, a drastic shift from what has already been planned for the site.

For more details, please continue reading below…

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City announces members of Mayor’s Taskforce on Economic Recovery

This article, from June 4, includes information about the Mayor’s Taskforce on Economic Recovery.

Hello Ward 8 Neighbours,

With the most diversified economy in Canada, the City is working its way towards rebuilding the local economy. On June 4, Mayor Eisenberger introduced the Taskforce on Economic Recovery, pulling on the vast wealth of diversified experience its task force members are expected to bring to the table with the plan of ensuring economic stability for the city moving forward.

For more details, please continue reading below…

Continue reading “City announces members of Mayor’s Taskforce on Economic Recovery”

April 23: Statement by the Mayor on municipalities seeking emergency funding

This article, from April 23, contains a statement by Mayor Eisenberger about the city’s financial health in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Hello Ward 8 Neighbours,

Mayor Fred Eisenberger issued a statement today on the financial hurdles affecting the City of Hamilton, and other municipalities across Canada, due to the COVID-19 crisis.

For more details, please continue reading below…

Continue reading “April 23: Statement by the Mayor on municipalities seeking emergency funding”

March 31: Statement by Mayor Fred Eisenberger

The following article from March 31, 2020 includes a statement by the Mayor of Hamilton, Fred Eisenberger.

Hello Ward 8 Neighbours,

Mayor Fred Eisenberger issued a statement today, expanding on the extension of the province’s Declaration of Emergency, the continued closures of city facilities and delayed city-led programming.

For more details, please continue reading below…

Continue reading “March 31: Statement by Mayor Fred Eisenberger”

2019 Federal Election – Congratulations to Hamilton’s Five Elected Members of Parliament

Hello, Ward 8 Neighbours!

On behalf of the residents of Ward 8, I’d like to officially congratulate Hamilton’s five Members of Parliament elected in Monday’s federal election!

For more details, please continue reading below.

Continue reading “2019 Federal Election – Congratulations to Hamilton’s Five Elected Members of Parliament”

Mayor Eisenberger and Councillor Danko Raise Hamilton Priorities With PM Justin Trudeau and Liberal Party Candidates

Hello, Ward 8 Neighbours!

This morning, Hamilton Mayor Fred Eisenberger and Ward 8 Councillor John-Paul Danko attended Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s campaign stop on the Hamilton Mountain to raise Hamilton’s priorities for Monday’s federal election with the Prime Minister and Liberal Party of Canada candidates.

For more details, please continue reading below.

Continue reading “Mayor Eisenberger and Councillor Danko Raise Hamilton Priorities With PM Justin Trudeau and Liberal Party Candidates”
Councillor John-Paul Danko