Speed Cushions added To Queensdale Avenue to Slow Down Speeders in Ward 8

Hello, Ward 8 Neighbours!

Earlier this year Hamilton City Council approved a motion by Ward 8 Councillor John-Paul Danko for the installation of three speed cushions on Queensdale Avenue.

We are happy to report that these speed cushions have now been installed.

For more details, please continue reading below.

Continue reading “Speed Cushions added To Queensdale Avenue to Slow Down Speeders in Ward 8”

Queensdale Avenue Traffic Calming – Statement by Ward 8 Councillor John-Paul Danko

Hello, Ward 8 Neighbours!

On Friday, August 16th, 2019 Hamilton City Council approved a motion by Ward 8 Councillor John-Paul Danko for the installation of three speed cushions on Queensdale Avenue at a cost not to exceed $16,8000, to be funded from the Ward 8 Area Capital Reserve Fund.

For a full statement by Ward 8 Councillor John-Paul Danko, please continue reading below. Continue reading “Queensdale Avenue Traffic Calming – Statement by Ward 8 Councillor John-Paul Danko”

Councillor John-Paul Danko