Ward 8 Profile

Ward 8 Hamilton West Central Mountain Map

Ward 8, located within the West/Central Mountain area is an urban ward, situated in the west end of Hamilton on the Niagara Escarpment.

Bordered by the hydro corridor to the south, the Escarpment on the north, Upper Wellington Street to the east, and Garth Street to the west.

Ward 8 is divided by the Lincoln M. Alexander Parkway. Home to Mohawk College of Applied Arts and Technology, Chedoke Hospital, St. Joseph’s Mental Health and Wellness Resource Centre and the Chedoke Rail Trail which connects Wards 1 and 8.

Population Demographics

Ward 8 has a total population of 34,485 residents. There are two age demographic peaks of 15-30 year olds and 45-60 year olds. Just over one quarter of Ward 8 residents identify as a visible minority.

Ward 8 Hamilton West Central Mountain Population Statistics

Ward 8 Hamilton West Central Mountain Visible Minority

Work and Income Levels

Close to three quarters of all Ward 8 residents work within Hamilton. Three quarters of Ward 8 residents drive themselves to work, roughly ten percent use public transit and another five percent use active transportation (walking, cycling etc.). The average total household income in Ward 8 is $85,828 which is nearly $2000 lower than the average for Hamilton. A wide majority of Ward 8 households earn $25,000 to $80,000 while less than fifteen percent earn over $150,000.

Ward 8 Hamilton West Central Mountain Labour

Ward 8 Hamilton West Central Mountain Household Income

Ward 8 Hamilton Profile

The full Ward 8 Hamilton profile is available from the City of Hamilton here.

Councillor John-Paul Danko