Auto Theft Prevention: Tips to Protect Your Vehicle

This post, from January 14, has information on auto theft prevention and how to keep your vehicle (and valuables) safe.

Hello Ward 8 Neighbours,

Since January 1st, over 50 cars have been stolen in Hamilton. While certain vehicles may be more attractive to thieves, no car is immune to theft. Hamilton Police suggest that by taking a few precautions, you can significantly reduce the likelihood of your vehicle becoming a target.

For more details, please continue reading below…

  • Lock your car: Always lock your vehicle, even if you’re just stepping away for a moment. Never leave your vehicle running unattended.
  • Hide valuables: Thieves are often attracted to items left in plain sight. Don’t leave electronics, bags, or even loose change visible inside your car.
  • Park securely: Choose well-lit, busy areas or secure parking lots, and consider parking in a garage or behind a locked gate when possible.
  • Consider anti-theft devices: Steering wheel locks, tire locks, or an automatic engine shut-off can deter thieves and make it harder to drive off with your car.
  • Install an immobilizer: A vehicle immobilizer will prevent the engine from starting without the proper key or code.
  • Block signals: Store your car key fob in a Faraday bag or box to prevent relay attacks, where thieves amplify the signal to unlock and start your car remotely.
  • Use a GPS tracking system: Install a GPS tracking device to help track and recover your vehicle if stolen.

By staying vigilant and taking these precautions, you can greatly reduce the chances of your car being stolen. If your vehicle is stolen, report it to Hamilton Police via the non-emergency line at 905-546-4925. Have the following vehicle information ready:

  • Make, model, year, and colour of the vehicle
  • Plate number, Vehicle Identification Number (VIN), and insurance company and policy number
  • List of contents stolen from the vehicle
  • List of any identifying features, such as dents, scratches, or markings.

If you notice any suspicious activity in your neighborhood, contact your area Crime Manager. Alternatively, you can call the Hamilton Police non-emergency line at 905-546-4925 or the front desk of the Mountain Station at 905-456-4930. If you wish to remain anonymous, call Crime Stoppers at 905-522-8477.

More information:

Warm-up thefts:

Protecting yourself and your property:

Questions or concerns?

If you have any questions or concerns, you can contact our office here.

Councillor John-Paul Danko